We’re celebrating National Elephant Appreciation Day by shouting out all of the organizations whose tireless efforts are helping to protect and save this beautiful species. Elephants are one of the planet’s most iconic creatures. And how can they not be with their huge size, long trunks, and unmistakable trumpet sound? Sadly, illegal poaching and habitat destruction are threatening the survival of the species. It is important that we care for elephants in order to secure their future. Fortunately, there are some great organizations dedicated to protecting and saving these magnificent animals. Here are a few of them.
The Save the Elephants Conservation Organization
Let’s start off with one of the world’s oldest organizations. Founded in 1933, Save the Elephants is a charity based-organization located in Kenya, Africa. The organization has as its mission to secure a future for the elephants. STE conducts valuable research around the world that helps create new policies that protect the species. They also work alongside wildlife departments to protect the animals against poachers and traffickers. Presently, through the Elephant Crisis Fund, the organization has funded over 300 projects in 40 Asian and African countries. Find out what you can do to help at
The Elephants without Borders Organization
Weirdly enough, elephants do not carry passports. Luckily for them, the Elephants without Borders nonprofit, which is registered in the Republic of Botswana, aims to identify and conserve different migratory corridors and habitats that help the flourishing of them and all other wildlife. Through research and education, EWB is opening the African continent’s borders to these giants (without the need for a passport). Check out a few of their projects and find out what you can do to help at
The International Elephant Foundation
Here’s a fun fact: Elephants never forget (since they have incredibly huge temporal lobes). Now, here’s another not-so-fun-fact: Over 90% of their population has disappeared in the last 100 years.
Thankfully, organizations like the International Elephant Foundation are working hard to help save these majestic creatures. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to the conversation of African and Asian elephants around the world. Their mission is to fund and create conservation and education programs to help manage, protect and conduct important research. The foundation has also supported over 150 conservation and research programs around the world. Find out how you can support them at
The African Wildlife Foundation
A very important organization is the African Wildlife foundation, which was established in 1961. This group focuses on the African continent’s conservation needs. Members of the organization work hard to protect the elephants and other African wildlife from the dangers of poaching and illegal trafficking. They do this through conservation tactics, land and habitat protection, and community empowerment. Their work extends to over 15 different countries in the continent. Donate to this important conservation foundation at www.secure.awf.org.
The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation
Not only does Leondardo have an Academy Award for Best Actor, but he also has an organization that protects vulnerable wildlife, such as elephants, from extinction. The foundation, which was established in 1998, has as a main purpose to restore threatened ecosystems in order to ensure the survival of keystone species. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) supports many projects that have created solutions to the threats elephants are facing. Some of these include protected areas in Tanzania, sanctuaries in Indonesia, and illegal crime route investigations. Find out what you can do to help at www.leonardodicaprio.org/.
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