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Publisher’s and Editor’s Note September 2016

publ letter editor letter photoPublisher’s Note

Six is my favorite number so I am very elated to be celebrating six years!!! I will also be celebrating my birthday on the sixth day of September. Six is referred to as the “motherhood number.” The number six is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers, but is not without its flaws. Six is known for its loving, caring, protecting nature. No family or community can function without the power of six to bind them and keep them safe. Six is the glue that keeps the family, community and tribes together.

In celebration of our sixth anniversary, we are hosting our first Simple Solutions Summit based on six pillars of sustainability: Air, Energy, Education, Food, Water, and Waste. These are pillars that we can all come together and agree that we can make simple solutions to improve our lives and communities. We have partnered with the VerdeXchange Arizona conference that takes place December 7 – 9 at the Phoenix Marriott Tempe Buttes. We are hosting the celebration happy hour from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on December 9. Our Simple Solutions Summit will take place on December 9. Our Simple Solutions Summit will take place on December 10 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Please join the vibe of the Green Living tribe and get involved by taking action to start making Simple Conscious Solutions every day. At the Simple Solutions Summit, there will be interactive booths and great speakers. Please visit greenlivingaz.com/summit and vxaz.com to learn more.

We would love to hear your feedback! Please send me six things that you have learned from reading the magazine, visiting our social media platforms or attending a launch party to dorie@greenlivingaz.com.

Please join the vibe of the tribe and attend our launch parties to create conscious connections and continue to make conscious choices daily. Find out more about our upcoming party at greenlivingaz.com/party. Thank you for being a reader and supporter of the magazine!

In love and gratitude, Dorie.

Editor’s Note

It seems like just yesterday I was writing this note about our 5-year anniversary. The Earth has rotated around the sun 365 and 1/4 times since our September 2015 issue; it’s hard to believe it’s been that long, yet at the same time it feels like eons ago.

I’m so thrilled to celebrate another year of success for Green Living magazine! We have
some very exciting things in our September Anniversary/Urban Design issue, including articles on Feng Shui for health; the 2016 Cox Conserves Heroes winner; sustainable architecture featured in Vali Homes; Yoga Nidra meditation; a smart building design roundup; an update on the VerdeXchange Arizona-Simple Solutions Summit event; Chef Lisa Dahl’s newest Sedona restaurant; the benefits of ghee; and much more.

Please also join us this month for our September issue launch party taking place on Thursday, September 8, at Bell Lexus in North Scottsdale. Come celebrate and be inspired by the LEED Gold certified showroom and Lexus’ extensive line of hybrid cars. Meet and mingle with others in the green space and learn something new while enjoying local food, beer and wine, and vendor booths. You can also enter to win eco-friendly prizes! Tickets cost $12.00 online and $15.00 at the door. RSVP at greenlivingaz.com/party. We hope to see you there!

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I want to extend a huge thank you to our advertisers, subscribers, readers, followers, friends and family for all of your support. We produce the magazine for you, and for all of us. Thank you for joining us on our journey, and we look forward to what the future holds.

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— Amanda


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