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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Dropping Acid… Fulvic acid, that is!

Most medical breakthroughs take at least 17 to 20 years to find their way from the test tube to mainstream medical practice. Some of that delay, of course, is time for thorough testing. Most of it, however, is the time spent in eventual educational dissemination to the industry, overcoming vested financial interests in the practices obsoleted by the breakthrough, or simply just waiting for the old-school doctors to step out of the way.

The advent of fulvic acid in modern medicine, however, has tracked at a more glacial pace, having been first successfully used (that we know of) in the Ming Dynasty of China over 800 years ago! However, 800 years is only a drop in the bucket compared to fulvic acid’s prehistoric origins.

Fulvic Acid History

Fulvic acid got its start at about the same time as petroleum. In fact, they are both basically derived from the same prehistoric decayed plant matter. The main difference is—or perhaps I should say was—that the plant matter that became petroleum decayed in an environment without oxygen hence was acted on by anaerobic bacteria. Humic shale, on the other hand, formed where the plant matter decayed with available oxygen, in an aerobic environment, with aerobic bacteria. Humic shale contains a number of known compounds, with several such as humic acid being used in agriculture as plant fertilizers.

According to fulvic acid experts like Dr. Robert Faust and Dr. Daniel Nuzum

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, what makes fulvic acid so useful in medicine is its infinitesimally small molecular weight and its tiny molecular size. It’s because of its small size that it can go virtually anywhere in the human body; through tissue walls; and even into the interior of a cell’s power plant, the mitochondria.

But according to Nuzum—who has no less than eight degrees to his credit, including a doctorate in osteopathic medicine and another doctorate in naturopathic medicine— it’s what the tiny fulvic acid molecules do once inside the cells that are the medical miracle.

Nuzum, who sees patients in his clinic in Meridian, Idaho, teaches them that there are four major reasons for his successes in fulvic acid-based regimens.

Nuzum’s Breakdown

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First, Nuzum says that fulvic acid is the world’s strongest chelator. It dissolves and brings into solution any heavy metal it comes into contact with. Then, fulvic acid attaches itself to it and carries the toxin out of the body. In this way, Nuzum refers to fulvic acid as both “the delivery man AND the garbage man.“

Second, fulvic acid concentrates molecular oxygen in the cells.

“A low-grade oxygen deficiency at the cellular level over a long period of time has cancer as an inevitable outcome,” he says.

This oxygenation process also then “turns up” the cellular voltage in a sort of anti-aging process for the cell. Like our car’s battery, the more volts it has, the longer it will last. No volts equals dead battery or dead cell.

Third, fulvic acid enhances both microbial and enzymatic function. Did you know that each and every beat of your heart is the result of a cascade effect of 85 different enzymatic reactions… over and over? Did you know that more than 65,000 enzymatic functions have been determined to exist in the liver alone? Microbes and enzymes do much of the body’s heavy lifting in terms of the mechanics of making things happen, working together to produce the needed result(s). The radical enhancement of these activities alone would be a story all by itself.

The fourth aspect, and perhaps the most life-giving quality of fulvic acid that Nuzum teaches his patients about, is its “massive” antioxidant capacity. If you recall, antioxidants have extra electrons they can give back to molecules that free radicals have damaged by knocking out electrons.

Integrating into Your Daily Routine

And while fulvic acid has a stellar capacity to do just that, it also does something that other antioxidants can’t do… fulvic acid has the ability to literally “absorb” energy from free radicals it comes in contact with, causing them to completely collapse. Nothing else known delivers this “one-two” punch.

I learned about fulvic acid in my quest to defeat cancer, and immediately incorporated it into my daily regimen. Even after being declared cancer-free (three years ago this month, by the way), I saw no reason to stop. It’s a very simple and inexpensive treatment. Twice a day, I mix 1⁄2 oz. of liquid fulvic acid into an 8 oz. glass of spring water. Some suggest distilled water is best, but whatever you do, do not mix in water that has chlorine.

The dosing was the easy part. Finding the best fulvic acid was not so easy, as there are a lot of inferior offerings out there that, while technically can be marketed as fulvic acid, lack the human health benefits.

My guide in this quest turned out to be Faust, a Ph.D. soil scientist with over 40 years’ experience in fulvic acid for both plant and human consumption.

In my research, it appeared that his company, Mana Life, produces the cleanest and the most effective fulvic acid. Some fulvic acids in the marketplace actually contain heavy metals or are not even of the variety that is beneficial to humans. Faust uses the same humic shale processing techniques as the Ming Dynasty practitioners did, only with U.S.-sourced humic shale and Oregon-captured rainwater. The product he produces he calls Wu Jin San and can be purchased in quart or in gallon portions.

Whether you wish to use fulvic acid as an easy preventive to diseases, or like me, in response to a life-threatening malady, it’s like a Swiss army knife once in your system.

Keep up with this series and other Green Living content by visiting our website.

Photo via Pixabay


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