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Friday, March 28, 2025

10 Easy Energy Efficiency Tips

These days, we’re all spending a lot more time at home. And while there are certainly a lot of benefits to working remotely, it can also mean higher electricity and energy usage—which isn’t only hard on our monthly rates, it’s also detrimental to the health of our planet. This is why energy efficiency is perhaps more important now than ever before. 

Energy efficiency means that you are using less energy to do the same jobs. Here at Green Living, we’re all about finding the most effective and efficient ways to work, live and play. And while the concept sounds daunting, it’s actually pretty easy to adapt—especially when you understand the plethora of benefits that come along with being more intentional in our energy use.

Since October 7 was World Energy Efficiency Day, we’ve gathered 10 simple tips and tricks that will help you to become more efficient and energy-friendly within your day-to-day life. 

  • Use dishwashers or washing machines at night. While it might seem inconvenient, this simple adjustment will help to keep the house cooler, and reduce strain on the power grid during the peak usage hours of 4 PM and 6 PM.
  • Invest in controllable fixtures. Operations like photocell or a timer help to ensure your outdoor lights are only operated on a dusk-to-dawn basis.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. This tool will automatically adjust the temperature according to your schedule.
  • Change your light bulbs. LED light bulbs are the way of the future, and there are a plethora of benefits to using them in your home.
  • Don’t look in the oven. Every time you peek in the oven while baking, the temperature can actually drop 25°F, forcing your oven to use more energy to bring the temperature back up.
  • Use your ceiling fan. This will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort.
  • Replace windows. Swap out single-pane windows with more energy efficient windows. Solar shades or tinting film are also great alternatives.
  • Unplug your mobile phone. Leaving it plugged in overnight requires more unnecessary energy usage, when a simple charge really only requires a couple of hours.
  • Take advantage of natural light. Arizona has plenty of natural light, so whenever possible, open up some windows and rely on it in place of electric lights in your home.
  • Dress to make your heater or AC work smarter, not harder. While at home, dress in warm clothing in the winter months, and cooler clothing in the summer months to stay comfortable without putting too much pressure on your heater or AC units.

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