Ah, Thanksgiving—a holiday meant for giving thanks. It seems like the purpose of this holiday is especially important after this difficult year.
So, whether you are celebrating with your family and loved ones, or sadly separated from them because of the dangers of the ongoing pandemic, we invite you to read about what we are thankful for here at Green Living. Perhaps this will allow you to reflect on the things that you’re thankful for this year—and if you have any that you’d like to share, feel free to email them to us at kyley.w@greenlivingmag.com.

Dorie Morales (Publisher):
I am thankful and blessed for the health of my family and friends during the times of COVID-19. Health is the most important aspect to anyone’s life. Life is a gift and so precious. I am also grateful that many people are aware of the environment and healthy living.

Photo of Michelle Glicksman.
Michelle Glicksman (Editor-in-Chief):
This year, I am thankful for my family and friends, as well as our health. I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads, and food on our table, and I am grateful that we can give back to others, as well.

Kyley Warren (Assistant Editor):
This year, I am thankful for perspective. In the midst of so much chaos, it can be easy to lose sight of the wonderful, little joys that make up our day-to-day lives. When so many things go wrong, we fail to remember all of the things that actually go right. My daily mantra is: “What’s meant for me will never miss me.” And as we reflect on this past year and prepare to embrace a new one, I’m holding onto these words tighter than ever so that I can confidently lean more into the good, the bad, and everything in between—trusting that there’s a bigger purpose, even if I can’t immediately see or understand it yet.

Victoria Klotz (Social Media & Marketing Coordinator):
I am thankful for my partner, who is extremely educated, motivated, and supportive of all my decisions in life; my dog, Axel, who gives me unconditional love; and my cute home by the scenic mountainside.
I am also grateful to be healthy with no physical or mental setbacks, to be brave by trying new things and being optimistic in every discovery, and to have a very understanding and optimistic boss who believes in me.
I am thankful to have local businesses surrounding me that inspire me to grow and believe in myself; to feel I can take time for self-care and connecting with myself for self-growth.
Finally, I am grateful for having an empathetic connection to the people on this planet.

Kait Spielmaker (Digital Coordinator):
In the middle of this pandemic, I find myself expressing gratitude for my backyard. It’s full of lime trees, a garden bed, an outdoor sitting area, and a hammock I spend too much time in. For as much time as I spend at home these days, I’m so happy to have this space, paired with the beautiful Phoenix fall.

Sheree Kamenetsky (Sales Specialist):
I’m grateful every day for the abundance of love that I get from my friends, family, and especially my fiancé, Brian. My father passed away a few weeks ago. We talked everyday and he never ended a phone call without telling how much he loved me multiple times. I received so much love and support from my loved ones after he passed. Most of my friends go back 30-50 years. I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life.

Carol Chandler (Sales Specialist):
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.”
His words about gratitude have inspired me for years. In addition to opportunities and experiences that have helped me grow, evolve and develop a sense of compassion and empathy, I am particularly grateful for the following gifts:
~ Four delightful quadruped companions
~ My cozy, comfortable home
~ Continued good health
~ Friends and family
~ Wisdom that comes with age
~ Hopeful feelings that our country will survive and prosper from the challenges we have experienced the past few years.
For all of this and so much more, I am grateful.

Patrice Timmons (Editorial Intern):
What I’m thankful for this year is phones, video chat, and social media, so I can connect with my family and friends without putting others at risk by traveling. Living in an area with so many beautiful hiking trails, so I can get outside and experience nature. And, school is going well despite the pandemic—and I even got to start a really interesting internship!

Edward Balderrama (Data Intern):
This year I am thankful there are opportunities still available for outdoor recreational activities that can be practiced responsibly. In a year where we have had to adjust in some ways our routines and social interactions, I find being outdoors in green spaces can provide a sense of relaxation, in a way.

Jessica Gaimaro (Graphic Design Intern):
I’m thankful for my family, friends, health and education. There’s always something to be thankful for on this Earth we live on!

Tony Barrera (Editorial Intern):
I am primarily thankful for my faith. This year has been a bit more difficult (for all of us, I expect), and God has really helped me through it. He has been my rock and my comfort in times of distress, and my hope in Him has helped me remember that all I have to do in this life is trust Him.
I am also grateful for my friends and family. For the memorable times I have been blessed to spend with them this year, whether it was being quarantined at home together, or going on a small camping trip.
And lastly, I am thankful for road trips. I recently came back from a road trip with my best friend, and it was the highlight of the year. I am excited to see what next year holds.
Perhaps next Thanksgiving will be more normal; perhaps not. The future seems uncertain. But one thing we can be certain of is that just like this year, there will still be a lot to be thankful for.
Most of all, our team is so thankful for YOU—our valued, beautiful readership. Thank you for your continued support and for all that you do to make this world a better place. Wishing you a happy and safe Thanksgiving from the Green Living team.
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